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Managing Stress With Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

By Miranda Orso, Communications Associate

Picturesque Vermont, with its natural beauty and tranquility, can also serve as a beautiful backdrop for stress — whatever circumstances are to blame. Mother Nature reminded us all of this recently with excessive rain, flooding, mudslides, closings, and the potential health risks that follow. Fortunately, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) can help restore some of your wellbeing by alleviating the effects of stress-related conditions. 

Understanding Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

After I joined Hyperbaric Vermont, I was introduced to how this innovative therapy works at our South Burlington office, where patients from all walks of life get treatment inside one of our hyperbaric chambers. While I first thought the chambers looked like something belonging to a space station, I learned that these machines expose our (quite earthbound) bodies to increased atmospheric pressure while we inhale 95% oxygen. This is much safer than the 100% oxygen one gets in higher pressure chambers, which can cause oxygen toxicity or combust.

Great, right? But you’re probably thinking, “What exactly does this have to do with my through-the-roof stress levels?” Well, while you’re relaxing in the chamber, the oxygen is permeating all the fluids and tissues of your body, helping to:

  • Promote tissue repair
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Improve your body’s ability to heal

As a complementary therapy, HBOT has been known to alleviate various conditions such as chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The more I’ve learned, I’ve found that by using HBOT alongside other stress management techniques like meditation, yoga, and nature walks, Vermonters can cultivate a more healthy, holistic approach to managing or maintaining their wellbeing.

The Potential Benefits of HBOT for Stress Relief

Research suggests that HBOT reduces inflammation in the brain and body, a contributing factor to stress-related disorders. So, by increasing oxygen levels in the body and brain, HBOT may enhance mood, cognition, and overall mental wellbeing. 

Additionally, the HBOT can aid in improving sleep quality, regulating hormonal imbalances, and boosting the immune system, all of which can be disrupted by acute or chronic stress.

Helping and Healing with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Vermont

As stress continues to be a potent concern in today’s fast-paced world, innovative approaches like HBOT offer hope for people seeking relief and improved wellbeing, and can provide a powerful complement to other stress management techniques, allowing our patients to embrace a holistic approach to their mental, emotional, and physical health.

Hyperbaric Vermont has accessible chambers and knowledgeable medical professionals to guide people like me, and you, through their sessions. We encourage everyone dealing with all levels of short and long term stress to amplify their therapeutic experience by truly disconnecting from the demands of daily life inside the chamber, and making space for your personal healing journey. 

The post Managing Stress With Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy appeared first on Hyperbaric Vermont.
